Respirando el río (2016)

This is a video on continuous loop of an inflatable swimming buoy being inflated and deflated by breathe. Depending on when the viewer begins to watch the video it is difficult to tell if I am taking air in order to breath and live or giving air into the membrane to use it as a life saving device. In the end it is obvious that I am doing both, or is it? The sound in this video is important as well. The video is actually the buoy being inflated and then this footage is reversed to deflate it - the sound is reversed as well. The type of sound created when the person is taking air from the buoy is disturbing. The sound in this video is important as well. The video is actually the buoy being inflated and then this footage is reversed to deflate it - the sound is reversed as well. In the gallery, this awkward breathing was the background sound to the progressive drawing Abajo los puentes yo vivo río Mapocho. These two works  were positioned diagonally opposite in the gallery and curved surface of the drawing created a audio focal point from its viewing point (a 180 degree view of a drawing of 360 degrees). 

In the exhibition reference to the space above the river, the airspace that the canalised river creates as a break in the latitude of the city and the clearest views of the Cordillera longitudinally through the same city, points to a fifth edge (Orilla) of the river. The Cordillera is the source of the river and the first edge, the sea as its final destination is the second and its two walls of the canal its third and fourth.

Río Mapocho es una forma de la naturaleza que se transcurre el urbano. Su forma es definida a través de su manipulación y tres elementos – las orillas, los puentes y su torrente. Pero, mas que nada, su presencia en la ciudad es el espacio abierto creado encima el rio como un corredor de aire libre desde el oriente en las montañas a el poniente  de la ciudad. Nuestra experiencia del río en la vida cotidiana es el espacio arriba el canal – el aire abierto en una forma de espacio publico inútil.  El aire es el medio de este video y mi cuerpo es el fuente de creación. La forma es lo mismo que use en la obra Re-constitución pero el color es verde. Es difícil devenir si estoy sacando el aire desde la forma para sobrevivir o dando lo mismo la forma a través el aire de mis plumos. 


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